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Pin-to-Win 2018

Pin-to-Win 2018 Image
Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
40 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 09, at 11:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Pin-to-Win 2018

Our 2018 Pin-to-Win challenge goal is $5,000 to keep growing and developing the Central wrestling program and we’re counting on you. Your contributions allow for expanded travel schedules, upgrading equipment, and participation in team building activities. Make your gift and be sure to check back on our progress!

Choose a giving level



With supporters like you in our corner, we're in control and ready to go. Thank you!



Thanks to you, we've got incredible momentum!



Just like a takedown, you're a game changer! Thank you for supporting us!


Major Decision

With you on our side, we're winning! Thank you for deciding to support us!


Pin to Win

There's no doubt we're victorious with support from fans, friends, and family like you!