A Cappella Choir 2025

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
40 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 01, at 12:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Support the A Cappella Choir!

The Central College A Cappella Choir is in its 93rd exciting season. We continue to inspire and delight audiences! We hosted a very successful Singfest Honor Choir this fall with 200 students participating. We enjoyed a fantastic Fall Mini Tour in late October singing for schools and churches in our state, and we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the tradition, beloved Christmas Candlelight Concerts. Our mission to inspire and enrich lives through artistic choral expression is thriving.

Each spring our season concludes with a performance tour that raises student artistic vision with a challenging repertoire and introduces our choir to new venues and audiences. Students discover the strength of collaboration as we work with other ensembles and artists everywhere we go. These tours open up the world to students. Our Spring tour is to St. Louis and Nashville!

Our goal this year is to raise $15,000, and we need your help! Gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated and make a difference! Will you consider a gift of $50 or more to help our choir?

Your support inspires our student musicians to excel on the stage and in the classroom.

Choose a giving level


Warm up

Just as proper vocal technique sets us up for success, so do you!



Though theory describes a melody as "musically satisfying," we are more than satisfied, we are grateful!



You're always up for a challenge, much like the harmony. We can't thank you enough for stepping up!



How triumphant! Because of you, our efforts will be victorious.



Bravo! Brava! We're blown away by your support. Thank you for making this tour possible!