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Thanks to hard work and incredible support, the Central women’s triathlon team is coming off a terrific first year and enjoying an exciting second season!
2021-22 highlights:
2022-23 highlights:
Our athletes are driven to become great competitors in swimming, biking, running and the challenging transitions in between. As a college, we want to provide the best equipment and experience for our athletes as they grow alongside our new program.
We need your support! Our goal is to raise $5,000 for much-needed state-of-the-art indoor bike training equipment, our expanded travel schedule, team-building activities and other equipment needs.
Will you consider making a gift of $50 or more to help us reach our goal?
We appreciate your support of Central athletics and the women’s triathlon program!
Jennie Hedrick-Rozenberg
Head Triathlon Coach
Wow! Your gift propels us even faster on the way to the finish line. Thank you!
What can we say? Your incredible support will make a HUGE difference for our team!