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Pin-to-Win 2022

Raised toward our $13,000 Goal
78 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 25, at 08:00 AM CST
Project Owners

Let's PIN Our Fundraising Goal!

November 16, 2022

As you can see, we are so close to our fundraising goal! We have extended the date in hopes of being able to crush our goal....but we need your help! Listen to a message from wrestler Nate Rosas ’26 on the difference you make in the lives of our athletes. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our project so far!

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With supporters like you in our corner, we're in control and ready to go. Thanks!



Thanks to you, we've got incredible momentum!



Just like a takedown, you're a game changer! Thank you for supporting us!


Major Decision

With you on our side, we're winning! Thank you for deciding to support us!



There's no doubt we're victorious with support from fans, friends, and family like you!