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Mary Worstell '73Central College's 53-Mile Challenge encourages each of us to practice a healthy lifestyle through movement. Physical activity can provide a tremendous boost in our daily life including:
When I learned of this challenge, I joined immediately and wondered, “Could we transform this individual activity into a Central DC community event?” And THEN I thought, “Can we make this into an activity that benefits Central itself?”
I’m hoping we can! As a member of Central's Board of Trustees, I know philanthropic support is vital in today’s ever-changing undergraduate world. Each visit to Pella leaves me impressed beyond words with all that Central achieves. I continue to be amazed by the growth of our students, the depth of faculty investment in them and the campus community's shared passion for each person’s well-being and success.
I’m looking for 10 fellow DC-area Central alumni, family and friends to complete the 53-Mile Challenge with me AND make a gift (in ANY amount) to Central. If 10 people from this area donate to Central, I will donate $1,000 to the Journey Scholarship Fund. Truly a WIN/WIN for the Dutch!
Participating is easy. Simply register to walk, run, bike or swim 53 miles and make a gift to the Journey Scholarship Fund. My $1,000 gift to Central is unlocked when 10 of you join the 53-Mile Challenge and donate (again, ANY amount) to Journey Scholarship Fund. I’d love to see the DC region, now with Spring upon us, show everyone we have the Central Hoo-Rah spirit!
Our personal health deserves this. As a bonus, EVERY dollar we raise together helps a student attend Central. Let’s show our Central pride in DC!