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Guatemala Service Trip

Guatemala Service Trip Image
Raised toward our $6,500 Goal
47 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 21, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Guatemala Service Trip

UPDATE: We've reached our $5,000 goal with lots of time left in our campaign, so we've increased our goal to $6,500! Thank you to our generous donors thus far!

In May, a group of Central College students will travel to Guatemala to complete a service trip during which we will change the lives of a family and community by building a new home.

This incredible experience is a partnership between Campus Ministries, OLAS and the Spanish department. We will work with the Guatemala-based organization ImagininGUATEmala and its sister organization, The Guatemala Project, based in Iowa City.

We believe strongly in its mission to better the lives of Guatemalan citizens of limited means, particularly in the areas of shelter, food security, health services and educational support. Approximately 60% of the population lives below the poverty line, with nearly 25% living in extreme poverty. For a family living in unsafe and inadequate housing, the home we provide can be life-changing. The homes will be 12-by-16 feet with electricity, woodburning cookstove and bathroom with plumbing. It also will have cement and tile floors rather than dirt flooring.

This also will be a life-changing experience for our team, as we are introduced to a different culture and build relationships with the families and ImagininGUATEmala staff. As we prepare for the trip, our team would like to ask for your help. We need to raise $1,600 for each of the nine people going. Gifts of any size are appreciated and will be used to support the team, including homestays, transportation, food and additional expenses. Whether $50 or $500, we appreciate any support you can offer.

We hope you will join us in impacting the lives of a family in Guatemala. We especially appreciate your prayers for the well-being of the families and staff that we will serve alongside, get to know and learn from.

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Your gift helps us serve others in need! Thank you!


Make a Difference

Not only are you making a difference, you're helping us make a difference in the world. We're grateful for your support!


"Heart" Work

In Guatemala, we'll be working hard to provide resources and shelter for families in need. It's hard work, but also work of the heart.


Building Bridges

This unique service trip builds cultural and language bridges. It also allows Central students to make a great difference in the lives of Guatemalan families.